Smiling-grads-620Employers can sit back and celebrate after a staggering 69% of UK workers admitted that they enjoy their jobs.

According to a brand new survey from, 43% of British workers say they like their jobs, while a further 26% went so far as to say they actually love their jobs.

Meanwhile, 24% said they feel mediocre about their role, while a mere 7% said they dislike or hate their jobs.

As many graduate employers are aware, employees – both young and older –desire a good work-life balance and this tends to determine whether they enjoy their jobs or not.

With the majority of Brits (62%) saying they are either satisfied of very satisfied with their work-life balance, employers seem to be delivering what employees are after.

Only 17% of workers reported dissatisfaction with their work-life balance.

Burn out in the best employees

However, while UK workers may be happy in their current jobs they aren’t immune to feeling burnt out from time to time, with two thirds of workers saying they sometimes feel this way about their roles. A further one in 10 said they always feel burnt out from their jobs.

Scott Helmes, Managing Director at CareerBuilder UK, said that burn out is very natural and can happen to even the most dedicated of workers at the best of firms.

He added that this can be a “passing phase” for many workers although when an employee feels burnt out all of the time, it can and will begin to affect their work and their business.

Are you a graduate employer? Speak to Discovery Graduates today to ensure you find the perfect workforce for your business.