Happy-employees-620With so many employers on the lookout for talented graduates, it’s become essential for business owners to know how to keep them happy and retain skilled employees.

According to a new report of 1,000 employed millennials, by the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) many millennial graduates are continuously in search of a career change.

In search of new career prospects

The survey found that 47% of these professionals would like to move careers, while 21% are happy to job-hop for the next 12 months in order to find a higher salary, better work to life balance and improved job satisfaction.

While 47% of the UK workforce of this age group are in search of new prospects, a large 55% of these workers are in London.

In terms of gender, women (56%) were far more likely to keep their eyes peeled for new roles, in comparison to their male counterparts (44%).

Respondents were also asked when they thought they would be moving on to pastures new and 54% of the millennial age group said they had planned to move on in the next two years, while 26% were keen to do it in the next 12 months.

Geography matters

Interestingly, the results did differ based on their geographical regions, with graduates in Yorkshire, Wales and Northern Ireland being least likely to consider a change in roles.

In contrast, those in London and the South West seemed to be the most inclined to make a career move in the near future.

Upon being asked what was preventing these graduate professionals from moving jobs, a staggering 41% stated it was due to the lack of financial security, while enjoying their job was the answer by 22% of the millennials.

Are you a graduate employer? To find out about the best talented graduates and learn how to retain them, speak to Discovery Graduates today!

SOURCE: http://www.onrec.com/news/statistics-and-trends/why-are-millennials-unhappy-at-work
