Team building blocks

Many businesses across the spectrum rely on staff who are target-driven. Incentives can be a great way of motivating employees to achieve high levels of productivity and a competitive workplace environment can often benefit both the business and individuals workers too.

However, this type of work isn’t suited to everyone, as a particular mindset is needed to cope with the pressures and working practises that usually accompany a target-based approach. This means that employers need to take extra care when choosing the right candidates.


There are certain skills and personal qualities needed to make a success of working in these areas. Sales and marketing positions are the most common jobs that often involve a high level of set targets that need to be achieved, but the general approach can be applied by employers to any occupation that is based on individuals working within a team towards a common end.

Matching people to the right vacancies is an important part of having a successful business of any type, but finding those with a desire to work in a highly pressurised environment based on achieving success via hitting targets can add an extra challenge.


Offering rewards in both financial and overall career development ways is a tried and tested method of selecting applicants who will be predisposed to working in a competitive way. However, getting the balance right between self-interest and the willingness to work as part of a team for the benefit of a company lies at the heart of the matter when it comes to recruitment.

It is important for those involved in the recruitment process for target-based vacancies to understand how the needs of the employer and the employee must balance. Being able to look at both sides is the only way that the best candidates can be attracted to, and then selected for, the right positions.

Graduate candidates

As most degree courses are based around the concept of personal achievement as opposed to becoming ‘top of the class’, there is often a lack of interpersonal competition amongst university students. However, there will always be those who look to excel and be recognised for doing so, and these are often the individuals who will be most suited to a target-driven working environment.

If you’re an employer and you’re keen to attract the best graduate talent to your business, have an informal chat with Discovery Graduates today and see how they can help you.